Contact Genesis Park
Dino Trivia
The Early Earth
The Story of the Fossils
Dino-like Reptiles
Dino Hunting Expeditions
Evidence of Dinosaurs with Men
5 Q’s for Evolutionists
A Parable of Design
A Universe Fine-Tuned for Life
Answering Supposed Contradictions in the Bible
Behemoth or Bust
Authenticating the Ica Stones
Cryptozoology and Apologetics
Darwin, Gardiner & the Fuegians
Dinosaurs vs. Lizards
Evidence the Bible is God’s Word
Evolutionists Retreat from Science
Message Theory
Probabilities, Monkeys, and Natural Selection
Supernatural Theories in Science
The Ant & I
The Bat's Tale at Carlsbad
The Evolutionary Problem with Pain
The Fiery Flying Serpent
The Gospel of John
Spontaneous Generation Hypothesis
Ta Prohm Stegosaur Carving
Transitional Forms
Update on the Bell Found in Coal
Papua New Guinea Expedition Pictures
Click thumbnails for enlarged images.