Genesis Park Blog

Acacia Tree & Ants

For many years, it has been known that acacia trees (see picture) have a symbiotic relationship with ant colonies. The acacia tree produces a specialized structure to shelter and feed the ant colony. The ants, in turn, defend the tree against encroaching weeds and hungry animals…payment for their room and board. Just the stirring of […]

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June 2, 2024
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Believing is Seeing!

Author Michael Guillen grew up in a strict, Spanish-speaking Pentecostal household. He writes how liberating he felt to be free of his family’s religious practice when he went Cornell University. He determined to make his whole life the world of science…becoming a scientific monk. Guillen simultaneously earned three doctorates, in physics, mathematics and astronomy. His […]

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May 3, 2024
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Mammoth Return?

Colossal Biosciences, a biotechnology company based in Dallas, has announced that it aims to bring back the woolly mammoth! It has recently taken an elephant-sized step towards its wild and contentious goal to repopulate the Arctic tundra with this ice age titan. By 2015, scientists had sequenced mammoth genes from a preserved Siberian carcass. Thus […]

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April 2, 2024
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Don’t Sweat It! – Part 2

Last month we discussed the vital role of sweat glands in cooling the human body. I mentioned that when the temperature returns to normal, the sweat glands must be turned off (like a thermostat in your house). But how does this happen? In a recent article, Dr Jonathan McLatchie, Professor at Sattler College in Boston, details the role a […]

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March 2, 2024
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Don’t Sweat It!

Sweat glands are one of those bodily systems that we prefer not to think about too much. Nobody wants to smell like sweat or have their face dripping in public. But our bodies have a very tight tolerance for internal temperature. Only a few degrees above normal can be lethal! Sweat glands play a very […]

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The Wonder of Water

A number of essential factors about our existence on planet Earth are “fine-tuned.” Sometimes called the “Goldilocks” properties, these environmental factors must be precisely as they are. For if they were just slightly different, life as we know it could not exist. We have discussed some of the “fine-tuning” involving the laws of the universe. But […]

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January 1, 2024
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Head Banging Termites

Creationist Dr. James Johnson has studied termite mounds. These little insects have a caste system that includes reproductives, workers, and soldiers. Sentinel soldiers are responsible to guard the entrance to the mound. They also will travel out (up to 30ft from their home mound) with worker termites to protect these workers who are gathering food. […]

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December 2, 2023
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Job 41 presents a ferocious creature for our consideration, the Leviathan. The Biblical description is lacking in general characteristics that would help us identify what kind of animal this is. But there are enough details given that a number of possible candidates have been put forward by creationists: a dinosaur (perhaps Parasaurolophus or T rex […]

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November 1, 2023
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God & Time

Isaiah 57:15 states, “For thus says the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy.” What exactly does it mean that God “inhabits eternity”? It seems to be saying that God exists outside time and views the whole of space/time from His timeless abode. He is simultaneously experiencing the wonder of creation, […]

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October 2, 2023
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Blog: Trace Fossils & Eggs – Part 4

Last month we noted that fossilized dinosaur eggs are typically found on a flat bedding plane, like a muddy beach. This fits well with a Flood scenario in which female dinosaurs laid eggs under duress as thick sediment layers were rapidly accumulating around them. But we also have some special cases in which these these […]

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August 2, 2023
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Trace Fossils & Eggs – Part 3

In recent months we have discussed the vast number of dinosaur trace fossils preserved in rock layers. One of the challenges for the Flood model is that there are places where trace fossils, especially footprints, are found on top of very thick sediment layers. Sometimes tracks and nests are found at multiple rock levels in […]

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July 2, 2023
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Trace Fossils & Eggs – Part 2

Recall from our discussion last month that a trace fossil is preserved remains of biological activity that were not part of the original animal’s body. These include footprints, tracks, burrows, borings, gastroliths (stones swallowed to help with digestion) and fossilized fecal matter. Last month we focused upon two unique characteristics of fossil trackways that give […]

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June 2, 2023
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