Interesting Items in the News
The Leviathan of Job 41 has long been a subject of curiosity in creation circles. What exactly was this ferocious creature? A number of possible candidates have been put forward by creationists: a dinosaur (perhaps Parasaurolophus or T rex that lived in the water), the swimming Mosasaurus, and a serpentine sea dragon (see Isaiah 27:1). In their 2023 article “Insight into Job’s Theology from a New Identification for Leviathan” Thomas and Biddle suggest that the Leviathan might be the super-sized, super-ferocious ancient crocodilian Deinosuchus. This dinosaur-devouring crocodile sported extra holes on its snout (next to its nostrils). Perhaps these were orifices for breathing fire. Learn more at the Genesis Park Leviathan page.
Recently Added to the Park
Dino Dave’s Adventures in Apologetics – Book 2 is now available in the Genesis Park Bookstore and at major book retailers. This new book continues our mission of providing young people with the hard evidence that supports Biblical authority. It includes all fresh material. Chapters include the Cryptid Champ, the Complicated Cell, Fossil Fuels, and Lava Layers. Each topic is personally researched by the author, Dave Woetzel, and each story is accompanied by rich, real-life graphics. Geared especially towards elementary children, this soft-cover book will be an effective follow-up to the important, worldview lessons presented in the first book. Both Dino Dave’s Adventures Book 1 and Book 2 have recently been offered as eBooks on Amazon as well.
The Genesis Park page on Fossil Graveyards has been revised and expanded. Check it out! We have been adding Dino Dave’s Creation Investigation presentations before a live audience to our YouTube channel. You can also see convenient links to these popular lectures at the bottom of our Creation Investigation page.
Upcoming Events
Our Upcoming Expeditions page has been updated to reflect the initiatives planned for the next few years. We are optimistic that there will be an exciting discovery in the near future! The DinoDave website features Dave Woetzel’s speaking schedule and an overview of “The Creation Investigation.” There are also videos of Dino Dave’s lectures before a live audience.
Visitor Feedback
A couple of recent comments from visitors to Genesis Park:
- Charity wrote, “Hi we would love to come and visit y’alls location. if y’all are local to our school we would love to do a field trip with y’all.”
- “Just discovered this website and really love reading everything here.” – From Indonesia
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